Recruitment practices can create barriers to people from disadvantaged groups. Business in The Community's Opening Doors campaign includes a range of tools and resources to help address this inequality.
There's a downloadable toolkit and a range of ideas for your organisation to consider and develop strategies for.
SSN's tips for users
The first step is to assess where you are in terms of inclusivity as an organisation and then to set out an objective and trajectory to make improvements. These resources are at the very least can give you pointers to the actions you should be taking.
In more detail...
- Businesses in the UK are struggling to recruit, with 57% of employers reporting hard-to-fill vacancies at the start of 2023|- 22% would close their doors to disabled people|- 35% would close their doors to refugees|- 35% would close their doors to education leavers|- 58% would close their doors to homeless jobseekers|- 55% would close their doors to people with criminal convictions